For Supernaculum Maggz choreographed and performed a new site specific contemporary dance work. The piece explored sustainability and upcycled fashion by pairing body movement with regenerated domestic waste. Glue was applied to a garment made from plastic bags, while domestic waste scattered around the space was picked up and became part of the garment as the choreography unfolded. With projected visuals by Petina McLaughlin (Connect42).
Maggz is a movement and multidisciplinary artist, specialised in waacking, a dance style that originates from predominantly arm movements. Traversing amongst dance battles, live performances and creative collaborations, Maggz explores art whilst evoking the beauty of individuality within self and others. Petina McLaughlin (Connect42) is a digital artist who projects artificial sculptures and environments onto dynamic surfaces; investigating human cognition in the internet age, confirmation biases and political polarisation.




