Brooklyn Art Hotel's longest free-loading houseguest, Supernaculum was proud (and a little apprehensive) to present "Tony Tootalotti ~ a Life in Honks". Tony was once a pivotal figure in the now legendary Sydney punk scene of the early 80's, playing rubber chicken with art-rock group Smuggling Monkeys, before mysteriously disappearing into the Gold Coast hinterland for 24 years. Tony returned to say farewell to his favourite Bohemian establishment – The Brooklyn Arts Hotel – where he has lived on and off since the mid 2000's whilst pursuing careers in painting and film.
Tony Tootalotti's performance at Supernaculum was a collaborative effort between Mr. Tootalotti and musical/artistic assistant Dusty Anastassiou. Dusty was the inaugural recipient of Mr. Tootalotti's mentoring program, established in 2017 as part of the Abstract Dildo Awards. Tony Tootalotti was an UP LATE Supernaculum host, performing anywhere and anytime he felt like throughout the evening.

Tony Tootalotti